
I picked up my first guitar at the age of 12. I never had a formal lesson but rather just spent hours and hours in my room exloring the instrument. I learned a few chords from a friend and from there started playing along to the radio.

When I was 15 I got a drum set and had formal drum instruction in Jazz drumming. I started my first band at 16 as a drummer and started writing songs. Playing with that band was fun, however I noticed that I seemed to be the only one that really cared about the music. My bandmates were more interested in being in a band to get girls.

The next band was originally called Rat Salid but eventually changed to Crosswind. I had since put the drums down in favor of the guitar with which I was becoming very comfortable. Some good tunes and great jams were created with this band, but again, a lack of devotion prevented the band from going very far.

It wasn't until I met Mike Forrester at an audition for his band Nitwit that I would meet my musical equal. Mike had the same passion for creating music for the sake of the craft rather than the fringe benefits.

Mike and I seem to have a tandem path in life and this plays out in the music that we write. I found my musical soulmate in Mike and I hope anyone who listens to our music will find something in it to motivate them in their lives.

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