
At the age of 15, I was listening to all the popular hard rock music of 1985. I had a passion for music but it wasn't until I heard Metallica's sound that pointed me in the direction that has become the roots of my musicianship. My older brother and I formed a band called Nitwit and learned the ropes of live performance. Along with my desire to play harder rock, I also developed an interest in recording and capturing this energy that gave me such satisfaction. So, I acquired some recording equipment and set off on a solo project that introduced me to many musicians as well as avid listeners to the same hard-driven music I was creating. Among these people was Steve Wolpert. We begain collaborating and before long, we could tell that the search for perfect chemistry between two musicians was over. We had shared similar paths in life and all it's ups and downs. From this we created some of the best work I had always strived for. So, as you listen to these songs and their meanings, know that we have lived it, breathed it and bled it from the inside out. I am truly proud of the work we have done and the life-long friend I found in Steve through such a powerful force...Music.

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